Friday, November 07, 2008

Offering Remote Assistance, Part 3

I decided to go with the registry update. Yeah, it opens a security hole, but I can keep that from becoming an issue at the firewall level.

I've got three aspx pages all total. The first I mentioned already--the login script uses wget.exe to pass the appropriate information (user, workstation name, IP) to the webpage, and the page saves that to the database. I save a new record on each login, so I can compile historical information.

The second aspx page is a very minimal page. It has a dropdown list of users and a button to offer remote assistance to that user. Selecting a user and clicking the button generates a startup script when the page reloads; the script just opens the hcp page that takes an IP as a parameter. The built URL includes the IP looked up in the database for that user's most recent login.

The third aspx page is for IT use only; selecting a user provides a link to start remote assistance, a link to open the user's C$ drive, and a table of all logins in the past 7 days for that user. In the next revision, I plan to allow the end user to click on an item in that table, and update the links to connect to that workstation.

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