Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lists for Lists

It's almost there. I did decide to change my code and dump the XML Post that I processed keyword info from. Instead, I now process from a list named _Keywords. To make things even easier, I created a list definition that already has all of the fields setup, so you just create your Keyword list and populate it with keywords. I've got another bug or two to work out, and I'm going to add a keyword definition property of "Overwrite" (append will take priority, in case some idiot sets both), but it's coming along great. So well, in fact, that I deployed it to my main Sharepoint server.

My workflows are working quite well. I was going to try doing them in Visual Studio, but it seems way too complicated. I did find this:
Essential Workflow Tools for SPD

which answered one nagging problem I had with doing the Workflow in Sharepoint Designer--being able to generate an email from someone other than the system account. If you do Workflows in SPD, you need this.

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