Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wish I had something totally enlightening to share. I've got so many implementation projects, though, that I'm basically just running around trying to get all of them done.

I am beginning to plan out budgets for 2009; with the construction industry being as down as it is, there's no way I'm spending much money next year. But in 2009 we're going to need some server upgrades, and we're also predicting that the industry will be doing better. So I'm thinking disk space.

I looked at a SAN back in 2005 when we originally purchased most of our servers. It was prohibitively expensive. I've heard that they're cheaper now. But just as important as price is storage space--I've got things demanding 300-500GB of space now. I just can't keep up, especially when trying to deal with internal storage. Some kind of SAN seems like the only sane option.

Friday, August 31, 2007

OK, it's been almost 3 years to the dot since I touched this thing. So, new plan--short posts!

Today's tech? Forget about computers, I'm all about drain line cameras made from stuff on the clearance table at Lowes...